Privacy Policy

Date: 18th March 2022

Welcome to the Witchcraft Spells Magick website.

At Witchcraft Spells Magick we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This notice describes what personal data we collect, how we will use that data and how we keep your data safe. For additional information on how we use cookies please refer to our Cookie Policy. For all other information regarding our services, please refer to our Terms & Conditions.

If you have a question that is not answered here, or if you would like more information about how we collect, use and store your personal data, you can contact us at any time by emailing

Witchcraft Spells Magick, PO Box 2, Erskineville Rd, Erskineville, SW, 2042 Australia.


What personal data do we collect?

We collect and process only the data that is required to allow us to provide our services to you. We collect the following data when you browse or shop at Witchcraft Academy:

  • We process the personal data required to complete and despatch your purchase, including your name, billing address, delivery address, payment details, mobile number, telephone number and email address. We collect your email address in order to send you confirmation of your order; we collect your telephone number so that we can contact you if there are any issues with the order.
  • We collect your email address when you sign up to receive Witchcraft Spells Magick updates.
  • If you register for a Witchcraft Spells Magick account, we collect your name, email address, password, country and additional data regarding your favourite designers and your marketing preferences.
  • When you contact our Customer Care team, we may collect additional data to help us resolve any queries relating to your order, delivery, payments, marketing, the website or any other queries.
  • We collect and process data about your browsing on, including the pages you visit and how you interact with these pages. If you have registered for an account, we collect browsing data about your access to the dedicated areas of the website.
  • If you are a customer of, or if you have given us your consent, we collect and process your personal data for direct marketing activities.
  • If you provide us with someone else's data - for example, if you purchase a product to be delivered to a friend or as a gift - we will collect and process the personal data required to complete the transaction such as the name, delivery address and other contact details for your friend. If you are receiving an item as a gift, we will process your data only to fulfil the gift request and our contractual obligations.

How do we use the personal data we collect?

We collect and process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • When you purchase a product from we ask you for the personal data necessary to allow us to fulfil our contract with you including taking payment, any related anti-fraud checks if you choose to pay by credit/debit card, billing, shipping and delivery of the product and possible handling of the return.
  • When you visit, we will collect the minimum personal data necessary to allow us to provide you with the services of the website, such as placing and holding items in your shopping bag.
  • When you visit help us improve the website and our promotion of the website. This will include data about how you came to the website; the date and time of your visit; products you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction data (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.
  • We also collect data about your use of by using cookies. More information about how we use cookies and how you can, if you wish, turn off cookies is included in our Cookie Policy.

  • When you sign up for our marketing communications, we will ask you for your email address. If you would prefer not to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe at any time using the link on the bottom of the email, or by contacting our Customer Care team.

  • If you have purchased from , we will use the personal data we hold about you, including your purchase history, to contact you regarding products and services that may be of interest to you. This contact will normally be via email, but in certain circumstances we may contact you via other methods e.g. we may call you if an item we know you have been eager to purchase comes back into stock. If you would prefer not to be contacted in this way, you can unsubscribe from emails at any time using the link on the bottom of the email, or update your contact preferences on  or by contacting our Customer Care team.
  • We process contact data, purchase history, web browsing data and lifestyle data to tailor our marketing communications, web site presentation and the internet advertising of our website and/or products sold thereon to meet your preferences. For example, if you have been browsing or have previously purchased a particular shoe designer, we may send you an email to tell you that these are now on sale or display similar products to you as part of our internet advertising.

  • When you contact our Customer Care team, we will use the personal data you provide and that we have collected to respond to your requests for help or information.

  • When you use the App version of our website, we will collect data regarding your use of the App and your IP address, in order to send you push notifications about products and services that we believe may be of interest to you.

What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?

Who will process your data?

Your personal data will be processed by the internal staff of who have been specifically trained and authorized for this processing. In carrying out the processing, the data may also be transmitted to companies belonging to Witchcraft Spells Magick only.

Your rights

You have the right to request a copy of the data that we hold about you (and we will provide this to you free of charge once we have confirmed your identity).

If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal data, please email or write to us using the contact details in this policy.

If we do hold data about you we will:

  • give you a description of it
  • tell you why we are holding it
  • tell you who it could be shared with
  • tell you how long we will keep the data
  • if the data was not provided by you, we will give you any available information such as the source of the data
  • tell you if the data has been used for automated decision making
  • tell you if the data is stored outside of the European Economic Area, and if so what safeguards are in place to protect your personal data
  • let you have a concise and clear copy of the data

You have the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in the personal data we hold about you and to stop us using your data until it has been corrected. We want to make sure that your personal data is accurate and up to date and we will be happy to correct or remove data you think is inaccurate.

You have the right at any time to oppose our processing of your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest. You will need to explain the reasons behind your request and allow us to consider your request and respond.


We protect your personal data with specific technical and organisational security measures aimed at preventing your personal data from being used illegitimately or fraudulently.

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