
Payment methods

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Mastercard credit cards.

Please note, available payment options may change depending on the items within your shopping bag.

Shop Pay

You can also choose to pay with Shop Pay. When selecting this option at checkout, you will be directed to the PayPal site to complete your purchase before returning to Witchcraft Academy.


You can also choose to pay with PayPal. When selecting this option at checkout, you will be directed to the PayPal site to complete your purchase before returning to Witchcraft Academy.

Payment can be deducted from the card of your choice. 

Apple Pay

You can also choose to pay with Apple Pay. When selecting this option at checkout, you will be directed to the Apple Pay site to complete your purchase before returning to Witchcraft Academy.

Google Pay

You can also choose to pay with Google Pay. When selecting this option at checkout, you will be directed to the Google Pay site to complete your purchase before returning to Witchcraft Academy.

Payment security

To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple, and secure, Witchcraft Spells Magick uses Shopify, privacy policy.

Saved card details

To make shopping quicker in future, you have the option to safely store your credit card details.

Your full card details will never be displayed, only the last four digits so that you know which card you’re using.

You can choose not to save your card details by unchecking the box on the payment page. If you change or add a new address, you’ll need to re-enter your card details.

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