Join an Online Witch Coven: Deepen Your Witchcraft Connection & Practice | Witchcraft Spells Magick

Join a COVEN Community and Deepen Your Witchcraft Connection

Witchcraft Spells Magick has a private online coven - your invitation awaits
 Witchcraft Academy COVEN by Bec Black

Welcome, to a World of Magick and Wonder, 

You are invited to join an exclusive membership-only Group of Witches.

We meet online in a private place on Patreon.

Your membership includes:

  • Coven Membership to the Witchcraft Academy Coven
  • Become part of a Community of Witches
  • Access discussions with other witches
  • Practicing Witchcraft exclusive PDFs
  • Welcome Pack - Digital resources and Etsy Store discount
  • Monthly 'Witch Kit' Digital practicing witchcraft resources
  • Lunar Cycle reminders with Moon Magick for each phases
  • Coven Tarot card readings and insight
  • Spells and Lots of Magick to practice
  • Post witchcraft questions and get personalised feedback
  • Plus loads of bonus practicing witchcraft inspirations

Join Witchcraft Academy Coven and enhance your connection to witchcraft while deepening your practice.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this is a welcoming and educational space created to support your witchcraft practice.

I decided to create this online space to help busy witches just like you - simplify their witchcraft, connect and practice more often.

This is a place online to share, learn and connect with others with similar interests in witchcraft.

Are you in search of Witchcraft Connection, Knowledge and Practice?

Find out More... 

Witchcraft Academy COVEN (online)

What is a coven?

coven is a group or gathering of witches.

Explore the world of witchcraft and learn how witches come together to practice and connect with like-minded souls.

A coven discusses and practices the art of magick. Witches often come together to harness the power of magick through spells and rituals.

Covens are a vital part of the witchcraft community, providing support and guidance as witches explore their intuition and connect with the energies around them.

Despite being outcast for centuries, witches are reclaiming their heritage and modernizing their craft to help people grow through practicing witchcraft. 

Learn about the challenges and triumphs of modern witches as we reclaim old Pagan traditions and make them relevant for today's world.

A coven is a sacred space where you can connect with like-minded individuals and deepen your spiritual practice.

Remember the first line; A coven is a group.

Welcome, let the magick begin!

Fate : Fortune
Bec Black